Grassroots, boots on the ground beat big money. 10:1 in the case of RL21. Fortunately, there were a lot of us "dummies" who exerted sweat-equity to win the fights! More will be needed in the future. Thanks for great commentary, Chris.
I'm just an idiot from CA, but I'm thankful I was not influenced by stupidity. Voting No four times was not because of peer pressure or listening to woke literates; it was only common sense.
It would be good if any supposed South Dakota PAC that receives one dollar from outside the state (directly or through 3 generations of money-washing) was required on its statements to the state to itemize who the vendors and consultants are and how much each was paid.
These people just don't know when to stop and THINK for a minute, do they?
Grassroots, boots on the ground beat big money. 10:1 in the case of RL21. Fortunately, there were a lot of us "dummies" who exerted sweat-equity to win the fights! More will be needed in the future. Thanks for great commentary, Chris.
I'm just an idiot from CA, but I'm thankful I was not influenced by stupidity. Voting No four times was not because of peer pressure or listening to woke literates; it was only common sense.
You are right, and the fight is not over.
Stayin' frosty.
It would be good if any supposed South Dakota PAC that receives one dollar from outside the state (directly or through 3 generations of money-washing) was required on its statements to the state to itemize who the vendors and consultants are and how much each was paid.