I had my first ever field trip to Pierre yesterday for the purpose of witnessing how things actually look and feel in a legislative session, and I must say that it was a very rewarding experience. I know that many readers have already been in this world, or exposed to it, so it’s all old hat as they say. But for any of you who have not yet taken the trip, I highly recommend it!
I traveled with my good friend and possible future office-holder Adam Long, who had already made the trip a few years ago, but was happy to join me to meet & visit with both new and old friends working in the Capitol.
As someone who has been led to write very critical content about our South Dakota governmental and political leaders, I had every expectation of facing some negative feedback from a few who have been the target of my RINO hunting expeditions of the past year, or at least some serious stink-eyes in the hallway. There was no trepidation on my part, for which I am thankful. The Lord has been my guide in this venture, and I truly believe that His protection is ever upon me as I bumble my way through the jungle that is South Dakota politics. I continue to be heartened by being welcomed into the wholesome world of Grassroots Conservatism, as honest citizen-legislators do battle for us in their arena by crafting bills that seek to address the sludge buildup in our government and culture that has slowly and quickly eroded the systems that we once had infinite faith in, before we were awakened from our Normie Sleep.
One thing that I continue to be impressed by is the genuine goodness that exudes from those who fill our camp. I’m not insinuating that folks who have a different worldview than us are somehow “ungood”, because really we all fall short of the glory of God in our state of depravity. It’s just that nearly everyone I meet in politics that is a bonafide Patriot is in a very obvious way seemingly free of guile or deception. Especially the legislators that are fairly new. Certainly the longer one is in Pierre, the more there seems to grow on them a callous cynicism about the whole process, but that is a symptom in every institution and profession I imagine.
Our guide for the day was one of these genuinely good people named Kaye Sjaarda, wife of Adam & my District 2 rep John Sjaarda. If it’s your first trip to session, I would recommend arranging for someone like Kaye to make your experience more informative and enjoyable. We were thrilled to be able to poke into the conservative caucus meeting before they began to be introduced to the members and visit for a bit. These were “our people”, and the feeling of camaraderie was palpable. Another surprise that Kaye was able to arrange was the tradition of having our rep - John - introduce us on the floor of the House with a short bio announcement, which triggers an automatic standing ovation from all of the legislators on the floor. In full transparency I will admit to enjoying the spectacle of looking down from the balcony while all the RINOs were compelled to offer applause to those of us who have so openly called them out. If anyone knows of a RINO who refused to clap, or perhaps did not clap enthusiastically enough, please report their name here>>>>
Another fun surprise was running into a non-legislator friend of ours who happened to be roaming the halls on some unspecified business of his own, so now we were a team of three, which automatically turned this into a real life Buddy Movie. Without mentioning his name here (yet), I can report that his gentleman shared with us the exciting news that he will soon be replacing Mike Rounds in the US Senate. RINOs may well be an extinct species in our lifetime. NOT SAD!
After an enjoyable meal in the basement, sitting with our friend Norman Woods, we made our way up to the viewing balcony to watch the House session. This was obviously the main event, and we enjoyed every minute of it. Well, not counting the many minutes that Rep Weems spent bellowing out her seemingly ad-libbed arguments for or against a particular bill. We’ll never really know where she stood on the issues without looking at the voting results. I don’t mean to sound mean to Rep Weems, but it actually is quite comical to watch it in person. Someone really should have a word with her about crafting her arguments ahead of time and sticking to a script. After all, the whole reason these folks take turns speaking is to try to convince whoever the Undecideds are, right? Just my thoughts.
I also feel compelled to congratulate myself on the level of self control I exhibited by keeping my mouth shut, pretty much, while session was going on. My middle-school level sense of humor made that more than a little difficult, and I may or may not have texted some silliness to one or two friendlies on the floor as an outlet for those natural impulses.
As the session neared its end, I began to feel a slight sense of disappointment at the prospect that none of my RINO opponents were going to offer me a piece of their dang gummed mind, such as it is; especially after they were forced to participate in the humiliation ritual of having to pay their respects to me, a lowly taxpayer, by a display of appreciation. Thankfully, during the very last debate, I received a note that a person named XXXXXXX XXXXXX wanted to meet me downstairs before I left.
And so, a sharply dressed legislator whom I was unfamiliar with met me in the hallway and without preamble laid into me for my sin of including their name in my DECPTI CONS (click link) article a few weeks ago. Out of respect for the privacy of our conversation, I shall only touch on the highlights what this lawmaker was attempting to convey to me. Here they are in bullet form:
GASLIGHTING (there’s no such thing as RINOs)
At first, I took this performance as a genuine appeal to fairness by an aggrieved party. But after a more careful review of this person's voting history, I was able to confirm that yes indeed they have been voting in 100% lockstep with the RINO cabal. Not only that, this legislator has a long history of working closely with Mortensen, et al, to further the interests of the Establishment against the will of the People. So obviously, this legislator was sent at the behest of others in what I believe to be an act of intimidation. Unfortunately for them, this is like feeding bacon to a stoned pig. It just makes me more hungry!
Out of respect for this overture, I sent a letter to XXXXXXX (unnamed legislator) spelling out my detailed response to this interchange the next day. For paying subscribers to this Substack, I will provide that letter. Feel free to share at your prerogative.
Thank you for reading, and I pray daily for the soldiers in the fight, in or out of government, across the Plains & in the Hills, pressing onward in our faith in our Father that His blessings be upon us and that everything we do is to His glory. We also pray for our enemies, that they be convicted by the Holy Spirit into repentance and obedience to His Word.
Your ability to see that the old methods of negotiating with those who have stolen from us to line their own pockets and FEEL like they are somebody because the chamber of commerce crowd keeps patting them on the back is leading more and more people to speak out against the insanity! The only way WE THE PEOPLE take back control of our country and get these people to figure out they actually work for us is to keep reminding them in a way that makes them uncomfortable which requires us to get UNCOMFORTABLE first!
Very entertaining journal of your day! Way to go! I think you need to road trip to Pierre more often with your good buddy!