Your ability to see that the old methods of negotiating with those who have stolen from us to line their own pockets and FEEL like they are somebody because the chamber of commerce crowd keeps patting them on the back is leading more and more people to speak out against the insanity! The only way WE THE PEOPLE take back control of our country and get these people to figure out they actually work for us is to keep reminding them in a way that makes them uncomfortable which requires us to get UNCOMFORTABLE first!
Yes, interesting summary of citizen interests vs. warped corporate interests (not all corporations/businesses are misguided, but we appear to have a number of them in SD right now).
Ha! I was sitting by you in the house gallery- I’m sorry I didn’t come introduce myself. I was trying to wrangle votes on SB 208 so working furiously! Next time!
I really liked your comment on citizen- legislator and representing real life interests vs establishment corporate interests. Thank you. And, reading your message reminded me of the late Dick Armey, a former Congressman/Professor from TX - he was laying on his couch one day when C-SPAN came on and was first televising the legislative action in DC. He thought that environment was beyond his reach. But as he continued watching everything got demystified. And, by just observing what was said and done visually motivated him to run for office!
Your ability to see that the old methods of negotiating with those who have stolen from us to line their own pockets and FEEL like they are somebody because the chamber of commerce crowd keeps patting them on the back is leading more and more people to speak out against the insanity! The only way WE THE PEOPLE take back control of our country and get these people to figure out they actually work for us is to keep reminding them in a way that makes them uncomfortable which requires us to get UNCOMFORTABLE first!
Very entertaining journal of your day! Way to go! I think you need to road trip to Pierre more often with your good buddy!
Yes, interesting summary of citizen interests vs. warped corporate interests (not all corporations/businesses are misguided, but we appear to have a number of them in SD right now).
Love, love this article! Well said
Thank you Karen
Excellent, as always!
👏👏👏WELL SAID CHRIS! Keep up the fantastic work.
Ha! I was sitting by you in the house gallery- I’m sorry I didn’t come introduce myself. I was trying to wrangle votes on SB 208 so working furiously! Next time!
Oh that was you? You look a bit like Caroline W. so I was confused haha. Next time.
I really liked your comment on citizen- legislator and representing real life interests vs establishment corporate interests. Thank you. And, reading your message reminded me of the late Dick Armey, a former Congressman/Professor from TX - he was laying on his couch one day when C-SPAN came on and was first televising the legislative action in DC. He thought that environment was beyond his reach. But as he continued watching everything got demystified. And, by just observing what was said and done visually motivated him to run for office!
Thanks Fred!