Whew! You, as I do must have woken with a message about 3am. That is how the Lord speaks to me when all else in my world is sleeping, Chris. Pond scum starts at the lowest levels, city, county, state through DC. Until we build foundations from those lowest levels, our system cannot stand on the sinking sands our uniparty has set our foundations on. Isn't it a shame, how the time, effort and dollars we must now spend to engage voters to see the light, could be used in true areas of need if our elected had not allowed themselves to be held hostage to the big money using our tax base to fund the fallacies perpetrated on us, the US citizenry. If you don't know, vote no. That includes incumbency.

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Thanks Chris for the article. Hit the nail on the head again. Thanks for the H/T to SD Canvassing. Stolen Elections truly is the elephant in the room and yet people just blindly ignore it. Appreciate the partnership and support.

Keep up the great work.


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As you say: “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” -Barry Goldwater

Let's add to that: Revelation 3:15-16 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth."

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Sad to see how many blindly go along with name recognition or who puts out the most ads and flyers! Just because there’s a R in front of their name doesn’t mean they’re intentions are good.

We have a lot of big money from the outside trying to manipulate our way if life in SD! Pray, pray and pray some more! Loved this article!

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Nailed it again! The uninformed citizen of South Dakota has no idea of the ramifications that will happen to South Dakota if any of these measures on the ballot pass. The battle of good and evil is playing out in front of us here in South Dakota. And all at the altar of money. Keep up the good work, Chris!!

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Great observations!!

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Haha no, I'm just online too much

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Awesome work Chris! Our elections are the tip of the spear and playing nice in the sandbox trying to fix them was not a fruitful adventure! Fortunately the master marketer has taught us that even bad press is better than no press and exposes the evil that tries to protect their money and power!!!

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Good article. The grassroots movement needs to avoid fratricide. We could learn from the Democrats about that.

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Minor edit: "Never attack your frens" should be " Never attack your freinds"

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Actually that was intentional. Frens is internet slang.

Thanks tho

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I'm a dinosaur!

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