BULLSEYE CHRIS! You stated every point clearly and concisely and called out "Supposed" leaders and pointed out "Factual" leaders of our South Dakota government.

As someone who should have been paying attention many years ago, I too am advocating for everyone, especially our young voters, to pay attention. Together our voices can determine the trajectory of our great state.

Under God the People Rule. Let's beat this "Cancer" that's been spreading for too long already.

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The evil seeds are moderates, born and bred to be Democrats under the guise of Republicans. They have their marching orders after the seed is fully grown. I cannot write like Chris and can only interpret, so it makes sense to me. Satan only needs one seed and the pollen then spreads.

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Out in Oregon we call them RINO’s. Republicans in name only. Most politicians fit into this, as well as many republicans in power. They love the position and admiration more than what is right. The individual and the forgotten people are left in the dust.

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Great and accurate post! I usually refer to them as cockroaches, but a cancer cell is an adequate description.

While the CDC and Big Pharma won't find a cure for cancer. The citizens (if informed) of this state and country WILL FIND THE CURE for Political cancer!!

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As occasionally yelled back in a church hall, "THAT'S A GOOD BINGO!"

Before escaping here from Commiefornia nine years ago THIS WEEK, I studied how every county voted in the previous two general elections for we did not want to move to an area with political views we were escaping from.

We settled on Pennington County and that was because of the Black Hills and one person, the late Commissioner George Ferebee,

On many occasions, he was on the short end of 4-1 and 3-2 votes on issues/projects which burdened taxpayers with unnecessary spending and defied conservative principles,

I watched several PennCo commissioners' meetings and observed him as a citizen before he was elected. George was not a "go along to get along" representative...he knew and stood up for his constituents.

Just recently, in a discussion with out-of-town guests, I told them that we have 105 state legislators and I could count on only 11 of the 94 Republicans for them to be true conservatives. Fourteen of the remaining 83 were removed from office due to most of them supporting SB 201 and eminent domain.

To borrow the line from A.T.&T., "CAN YOU HEAR US NOW?"!!!!!

Thanks for this great article Chris.

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This a factual statement listing many of the actual contributors to the defeat our Sd constitutional rights. The summary of a conservative and the issues following are a heads up of why we need to keep rolling. Thankful for victories but you’re right we can not be intimidated or discouraged. Spray the bactine on and know that good blows were given. Each of us communicate in person, online, in print. Every question you present while listening gives others a nudge towards questioning more. Enjoying moments with family, friends, appreciating God’s earth. These are why we need to go forward as you pointed out take our state, and Republican Party back. You will recognize them by their fruits___Jesus, Matthew 7:16 A great reminder from Jesus to take notice .Thank


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Spot on! Thanks!

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