“ The Lord hates liars, but is pleased with those who keep their word.”
-- Proverbs 12:22-24
Don’t you just hate liars? I mean, of course we are not supposed to hate anyone, but we can certainly hate the havoc they wreak in our lives when when we find ourselves in a situation where a chronic liar has somehow made their way into one of our inner circles.
To have a liar for a spouse will kill a marriage.
To have a liar for teenager can destroy your life, indefinitely.
To have a liar for an employee can cause your company long-term financial damage, and ruin your emotional and physical health.
I could fill this post with Bible verses that deal with lying, but we all know this to be true, deep inside our soul. We go through our lives dealing with people, watching the news, swimming in our social media feeds, buying products from websites and salespeople, constantly on guard for deception.
"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - John 8:32
The obvious meaning embedded in this verse is that deception is a prison that we long to be set free of.
So why then, do we allow the people who claim to represent us in Pierre to operate so openly in deception? A common complaint in the grassroots conservative Patriot movement is the outsized influence of the RINOs. Simply put, a RINO runs for office as a Republican, then votes against nearly every bill that reflects the actual values of the state party’s platform. Let’s call them DECPTI-CONS. Some say these people are really Democrats in sheep’s clothing, and that may often be true. But I think most of them would actually fit into a third party, one in which Economic Development & revenue streams are the only guiding principles. Any bill that comes before them will be judged through this filter. I think it is high time we encourage these people, strongly, to form their own party (possible name: Commerce Party), so that they can come out of the closet and be who they really want to be. No one self-identifies as a liar, yet the world is full of them. Self-denying liars. That is what we have right now in Pierre. The RINOs tell the voters in their district that they are “Republicans”, but then proceed to vote in ways that are antithetical to the party’s core values. There are examples aplenty.
Many of us who have been observing this year’s session are becoming increasingly frustrated and, yes, angry with the absolute pig-headedness of the RINO faction in their obvious ploy of simply voting against every conservative bill that is brought forward. It gets even worse when we find out that the RINO faction, which is being steered and encouraged by Lt. Governor Tony Vanhuisen, meets separately every day of session at noon in order to strategize their campaign against the wishes of The People. For it is The People who helped get our conservative allies into the leadership positions. And in many cases, it is the grassroots who got some of these turncoat RINOs elected too. Listen, you may think you are getting away with it, because you have the soothing words of the Establishment guiding you along. But you must not know what time it is. Now is the time of populism. Now is the time of the Great Revealing. Corruption will be exposed. DOGE SD is coming, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Votes are being tabulated. I have it on good authority that no matter who wins the SD GOP Chair next week, there will be a scorecard system implemented in order to keep tabs on who exactly is voting against the Platform. The old days of keeping the voters in the dark are over. The Normies are awakening, and we see who the enemy is.
Frankly, I have more respect for folks like Democrats Red Dawn Foster & Jaimie Smith than I do the cowhands like Will Mortensen. Will’s got too much Bullshift on those little hands of his.
I am hereby putting the RINO/CommerceCrats on notice that we see what you are doing, and we will do everything in our power to replace you.
The final straw was your inexcusable votes against HB1205. You showed us whom it is you really serve.
Who are they, you ask?
***Legislators on the bubble: Jamison, Bahmuller, Scott Moore & Terri Jorgenson
This article should be on every legislator's desk on Tuesday. Thanks, for exposing truth, and the game that is being played out by this group above to oppose conservative values. It is heartbreaking to think that one of my legislators has been found in this group, but he exposed himself early with his voting. I will pray for them to have God open their eyes and ears to hear the truth and the strength to stand for the people and not the evil (best word I can come up with) that are leading our party.
Rep. Odenbach expressed to me what he thought of that cowhand snake from Ft. Pierre, thanks for your post!